LAPORAN KKN JORONGAN 2016 Universitas Panca Marga Probolinggo

The KKN Jorongan Participants Report 2016
( Laporan KKN Jorongan 2016 )

Kuliah Kerja Nyata ( KKN ) is a assignment of the student to apply for the knowledge and science which elicit in the university to the community to solve the problem happened. Specially, the participants of KKN of Panca Marga University who carry out this assignment in Jorongan village in 2016, start on Wednesday, August 10th ,2016 and finish on Saturday, September 10th,  2016. Appropriate the program which had been decided on Saturday, Juni 29th, 2016 that 2 days after the extrication the participants surveys in Jorongan village only. But, the participants at the first time received by the district government to inform the rule and advise the participants, then the participants accepted by village government to inform the rule of own village.  As the decision we held, the first week of a month, the participants of KKN Jorongan in 2016 is focus on celebrating the 71st of Indonesian independence. Jorongan Headvillage, his name is Mr. Masuni invited us be the one of committee of the 71st of Indonesian independence, and then our program accepted well.
The KKN Participants 2016 starts the program on Friday, August 12, 2016 at 06.45 a.m to permit to all headmasters of Sullamul Hidayah Islamic Elementary School, his name is Mr. Sholihin, S. Pd. I,  Sullamul Hidayah Junior High School, his name is Mr. Muzammil Fath, and Sullamul Hidayah Senior High School his name is Mr. Rozy. The last to the canonize his name is Mr. Gufron Fath as the owner of the Sulamul Hidayah institution. In others hand, the KKN Participants had been visited to the prominent figure of this village to observate the location of KKN 2016.
On Friday, August 12th the participants directly obtain the duty to teach the each institution. We gain wonderful response of the teachers and the students there. So, a lot the teaching and learning processes we held run well. On Saturday, August 13rd 2016 the participants had been busy to prepare the competition we held in village field. The competition which we programmed within 9 days (Saturday, August 20th 2016), KKN Jorongan Participants 2016 cooperate with KKN of Nurul Jadid and State University of Jember to handle the competition, but the community and prominent figure of this village more believe and respect our responsiblily or we elicit excellent response. So that, we ourselves were given many duties always of headvillage.
On Sunday, August 14th 2016, the Letters Department conducted English course was focus on Senior High school, the located in Musholla Haram side of the place of KKN Jorongan Participants and this program run well this the end, the students felt fun on English course we conducted. in the evening at 06.20 p.m  FKIP Daprment carried out Learning Guidance was focus on Elementary School surrounding the our location, a lot of students we held at that time, and they were happy on our learning guidance.
On Monday, Augtus 15th 2016 the KKN participants participated on parade which held by the Sullamul Hidayah institution, we get the fun day at that times. Then, on Tuesday, Agustus 16th, 2016 the headmaster needed us to join the Istighosah Akbar in Nurul Falah Mosque, the participants gain the duty to save and handle the students in the mosque. In the evening at 06.20 p.m. the technique department carried out the Computer Course the locate was in the KKN Jorongan place, this course run well. Although, the place was simple.
On Thrusday, Agustus 18th, 2016 the KKN UPM Participants 2016 held the common program, the theme is “ the dangerous of the Drug to the young generation and Heathy in Jorongan Village “ on socialiszation program, together with law deparment as the specific program on socialiszation “ the effect of the early married to young generation in Jorongan village “ . the program run well and the audiences was interested in the socialiszation at that time.
On Friday, August 19th the KKN Jorongan Participants carried out the common program, that was Baksos, with Jorongan headvillage, society, at that time. It run well, the participants did the program successful. The participants spiritly on the work we held to clean bushes in side way.
On Saturday, August 20th 2016 the KKN Jorongan Partipants prepare the excellent competition program those were Jalan santai and Panjat Pinang as the greatest competition we held on the 71st Indonesian Independece Celebration in Jorongan Village. Our ideas and powers contribute all till midnight to creat a better and success on the competion or this program. This greatest competition were successful and running well at that time, and Jorongan society felt grateful. In the evening at 06.00 a.m KKN Jorongan Participants cooperated with headmaster conducted “ Istighosah Akbar and Closing of the 71st Indonesian Independece Championship 2016 “, KKN Jorongan Participants as the programmer to creat the program un well at that time, Alhamdulillah the program run well till the end. KKN Jorongan Paricipants perform the great performance that was “ Reading the Poetry “ and the participants be able to creat the Jorongan society felt fun and interested in the performance.
On Sunday, August 21st 2016. The participants participated on Bakti Social together with Jorongan society at that time, then on Thrusday, August 25th 2016 KKN Jorongan Participants conducted the common program that was Posyandu in Jorongan Puskesmas, our program run well at that time without any trouble. In the afternoon, The economic department carried out its own specific program that was “ UMKM Sosialiszation “ such as the guidance rigntness accounting in the company. So, the owners of UMKM know well about this economics system.
On Tuesday, August 30th 2016, KKN Jorongan Participants, specially the agliculture department conducted its own specific program that was adiwiyata program in Sullamul Hidayah Islamic Elementary School, the program run well because all of the students participate on this program. The Sospol Deparment and Technique Department were 75% to finished their own specifics program those were : The RT & RW Information Board and Brightness the darkness way in Jorongan village. The last is the agliculture deparment to finished its own specifics program that is “ Pressed Land utilization “ that will be conducted the last week of the month, together with our common program that is “ TPS Program “. 
 Probolinggo,August30th, 2016                                                                                                   
 Coordinator of Village

13. 741. 0028


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