This chapter presents the research design, data source, sample and population, data collection method, data validity determination method, and data analysis description method.
3.1 Research Design
            The approach employed in this study was qualitative with the design used of case study. The explanation of the data gained from the field was descriptive. This study use case study because the phenomenan happen in madurese langunage specially in the difference accent, and then this study imply the descriptive to describe the data that had been gained from the participant. The describing of the data that have been gained of the researcher to explain clearly about the madurese accent, especially the madurese accent from Probolinggo, Bondowoso, and Sumenep.
            This study use the qualitative approach because the researcher just focus on the explanation on the sentences not accounting the numeral the data to describe the different Madurese accent.

3.1.2 Data Source
The data was gained from conversation,  observation and interview. The conversation took place among settlers in Probolinggo, Bondowoso, and Sumenep, people living in these ci/ties naturally speak madurese with different accent. The observation was conducted a week by recording the conversation by people. The interview was done to gain deeper information regarding the issue.  

3.2 Sample and Population
            The population is a significant point in this research, because the purpose of the research is to find out the differences happened in the accent which implied by the madurese speakers across difference cities in east java. Mardalis ( 1990:50) defines population as a group case that is required to fulfill a certain condition that has relation with the research. Then, according to McMilan ( 1992:69), is “ a population is a group of element or cases, whether individuals, object or events, that put in agreement with scientific criteria and with which the result of the research are generalized “. This research, the population is the accent which implied by madurese speakers across different cities. Specially in Probolinggo, Bondowoso and Sumenep speakers.
            And the sample is chosen to propose exact general characteristics of the population, as Silvrman (2008:76 ), the validity of qualidity of qualitative analysis defends more on the quality of the analysis than one size of the sample. Considering the theory, the researcher is going to select the three madurese speakers who had been lived in the city and do not contaminated with the others accent. The researcher will obtain the pure accent in each city to find out where the differences of the madurese accent happened.

3.4 Data collection method
            Face to face interview was done in this study, the interview was run within 30 minutes per person. Five semi structured per (Statement, Negative and interrogative) interviews were provided to elicit the answers from the participant. This study use this interview to find out the accent from the speakers through the transceipt of the question of the researcher that have done. The interview just focus on 15 questions to the participants.

3.4.2 Observation
            A video recording used to monitor the conversation among the participant, this observation lasted within an hour. An hour from this study is barely enough to recording the corversational action from the participant, this study use observation to find out the accurate, pure and clear accent when the participant use the accent in the daily communication

3. 5 Data analysis method
            This research uses descriptive method to analyze the data. Descriptive method is a method to make description, explanation, illustration and depictation accuratelt and systematically ( Djajasudarma, 1993:8)  and according to McMilan, (1992:12 ) is descriptive method can be considered as the procedure to solve the problem of the research by using current facts and phenomena and the method describes the facts and he explains the phenomena.
Firstly, the data gain from the interview from the three speakers of each cities from the some questions, then the researcher will describe the data from each speakers, specially the differences happened in their own unique accent. Second, the researcher is going to find out and classify madurese accent in each cities from the observation in interaction or communication that had been conducted. The last by using the recording to prove, clear, and accurate the accent of the speakers in the communication . after the processs, the data are analyzed by using the theories that are already stated in chapter 2.

3.6 Data Validity determination Method
            The measure of the validity of the data, the answers of the participant were checked respectively to the participant. This study need this validiy to judge the oure accent from, the way of the research gain the pure pure accent is recheck the accent that has been obtained from the interview and the observation to the others participant that expert in the madurese accent.

3.7 Data Analysis Description Method
            This research uses the formal and informal method to describe the data that had been obtained in the interview and observation. The researcher uses the scheme and tables of the differences accent happened of Madurese speakers in Probolinggo, Bondowoso and Sumenep where the differences unique accent of their own accent in the communication in used. The researcher attach the symbol of the stressing of accent in their spoken as their uniqueness in the scheme. Then, the researcher is going to describe the scheme which the researcher had been done to explain deeply.


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