1.        Saatnya jam pertama dimulai
It’s time to have first subject to begin.
2.        Saatnya jam kedua dimulai
   It’s time to have second subject to begin.
3.        Saatnya jam ketiga dimulai
It’s time to have third subject to begin.
4.        Saatnya jam keempat dimulai
It’s time to have fourth subject to begin.
5.        Saatnya jam kelima dimulai
It’s time to have fifth subject  to begin.
6.        Saatnya jam keenam dimulai
It’s time to have sixth subject to begin.
7.        Saatnya jam ketuju dimulai
It’s time to have seventh subject to begin.
8.        Saatnya jam kedelapan dimulai
It’s time to have eighth subject to begin.
9.        Saatnya jam kesembilan dimulai
It’s time to have ninth subject to begin.
10.     Saatnya istirahat
It’s time to have break.
11.     Waktu istirahat akan berakhir dalam 5 menit
The break time will be ended in five minutes left.
12.     Saatnya istirahat dan waktu sholat dluhur berjamaah
It’s time to have break and pray together.  
13.     Saatnya pembelajaran al-Quran dimulai
It’s time to have Al Qur’an subject matter.
14.     Pembelajaran al-Quran akan berakhir dalam 5 menit
Al Qur’an subject matter will be ended in five minutes left.
15.     Waktunya sholat ashar berjamaah dimulai
It’s time to have pray together.
16.     Peserta ujian dipersilahkan memasuki ruang ujian. Demi menjaga ketertiban ujian mohon tas dan perlengkapan siswa lainnya diletakkan diluar ruang ujian. Awali ujian dengan doa bersama dipimpin oleh pengawas ujian
It’s time to have examination, please the students have to go to the class. In order to create an orderly exam, the students have got to place out of the class, such like a bag and students’ stationery. And then, let’s begin the exam by reciting pray together, it’s going to be led by each exam supervisor.
17.     Ujian akan berakhir dalam waktu 5 menit, periksa kembali lembar jawaban ujian
The examination will be ended in five minutes left, recheck the exam sheet, please.
18.     Waktu ujian telah selesai, seluruh peserta ujian meninggalkan ruang ujian
The examination time is over, the students have to leave the classroom.
19.     Saatnya ujian kedua dimulai
It’s time to have the second examination, the students have to go to the class, please.
20.     Saatnya ujian ketiga dimulai
It’s time to have the third examination, the students have to go to the class, please.
21.     Saatnya ekstra sesi pertama dimulai
        It’s time to have the first extracurricular.
22.     Saatnya ekstra sesi kedua dimulai
It’s time to have the second extracurricular.
23.     Saatnya ekstra sesi ketiga dimulai
It’s time to have the third extracurricular.
24.     Saatnya ekstra sesi keempat dimulai
        It’s time to have the fourth extracurricular.
25.     Saatnya kegiatan pramuka dimulai, seluruh siswa dipersilahkan untuk berkumpul dihalaman sekolah
It’s time to have scout extracurricular, all of students have to gather in the school yard, please.
26.     Pelaksanaan apel pagi sudah berakhir, seluruh siswa didampingi wali kelas memasuki ruang kelas masing-masing. dan dilanjutkan dengan pembacaan surat-surat pendek serta doa-doa harian
The morning ceremony is already over, all of the students have to go to the class with each own class advisor. And then, the student recites the daily prayers and shorts surah of Al Qur’an in the class.

                                                                                                                                                          KHOLID USMANI, S.S
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              English Course and Training Centre.


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