The Accent Variation is Applied by Madurese Speakers From Sumenep and Situbondo Regions A Phonological Study, by Kholid Usmani


Usmani, Kholid.2018. The Accent Variation is Applied by Madurese Speakers From Sumenep and Situbondo Regions A Phonological Study, Thesis, English Department, Faculty of Letters and Philosophy of Panca Marga University. The advisors are (1) Drs. Bambang Suharjito, M.Ed, and (2) Sri Andayani, S.S, M. Hum.

Keywords : Madurese, Intonation, Accent Variation
          Madurese language is a language of local people in some areas in East Java, especially in Sumenep and Situbondo. both areashave the uniqueness especially in accent variation in field of intonation although both of them are related to each others in language. The language has a unique manner of pronunciation because they have different Madurese accent variation in field of intonation. This study aims (1) to describe the Madurese accent variationin field of intonation which is spoken by Sumenep people (2)) to describe the Madurese accent variationin field of intonation which is spoken by Situbondo people (3) to understand the differences of Madurese accent variation in field of intonation which is spoken by people from Sumenep and Situbondo regions.
            The study focuses on Sociolinguistics for the Madurese accent variation in different areas.Linguistically,  in phonology which is in suprasegmental. The theory applied in ToBI (Tones Breaks Indices) because of its standard prosodic labelling system for English speech data bases.
This research design is a descriptive method by using praat program and Metode Padan. The purpose is to analysisthe recorded accent variation in field of intonation from Sumenep people and Situbondo people. The data collection method is using observation method with teknik Simak Bebas Libat Cakap (Indirect Observation), teknik rekam (recording), and teknik catat (transcribing). After collecting data, these steps are done; they are (1) analyzing the data using a software is called praat, (2) grouping the data based on its clarification by using metode padan, (3) explaining the data and (4) making conclusion. Besides, to encounter a validity data and to measure of the validity of the data is the answers of the participant will be checked respectively to the participants and the expert of Madurese accent, while this study uses the formal and informal method to describe the data that had been obtained in observation.
            The result of this study depicts that the Madurese accent variation from Sumenep occurs five pitch accents (L*,H*,L*+H,L+H*, andH+!H*), and and two boundary tones,those are (L-L%, and H-L%). While the Madurese accent variation from Situbondo appears six pitch accents (L*,H*,L*+H,L+H*,H+!H* and H*+H), and three boundary tones (L-L%,H-L%, and H-H%). While the type of intonational patterns of these languages in statement, negative and interrogative are different from one to another. The pitch accents, for instance, it has many types not only in statement, and negative, but also in interrogative sentences. Therefore, it is clear that the Madurese has variation of the accent and the different places create different accent variation in field of intonation.


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