Kholid Usmani Alfarizi

Evaluation Test
Fantastic English Course ( F E C )
( Brilliant, smart, creative, funny and fun )


Lesson         : English lesson ( Grammar focus )
Day/ Date   : 04 September, 2014
Name          :
Level            : Basic Level

a.    Please choose the correct answer by circling a, b, c !

1.      He . . . a beautiful bird in his cage.
a.      Have                                  b. has                                       c. had
2.      My mother . . .  a pan ( panci ) in the kitchen.
a.      Had                                    b. have                                    c. has
3.      They . . . a cute dog in their house.
a.      Have                                  b. has                                       c. had
4.      She is my beloved teacher. She . . . 3 cars in house.
a.      Had                                    b. have                                    c. has
5.      Mr. kholid usmani . . . a plane at the airport. He loves his plane so much.


a.      Has                                                b. have                                    c. had
6.      Mr. Siham and Mr. Kholid . . . beautiful wife. Mr.siham’s wife’s name is sintia and Mr. Kholid’s wife’s is Akmalia.
a.      Have                                  b. had                                      c. has
7.      We . . . a luxurious car. We are proud of our car.
a.      Had                                    b. have                                    c. has
8.      It is my funny mouse. It . . . one colour of its fur.
a.      Has                                                b. had                                      c. have                        
9.      I . . . Expensive handphone ( hp mahal ). It is samsol galaxy Es tong tong 4.
a.      Had                                    b. has                                       c. have
10.  She is my great grand-mother. Her name is mpok nijan, she . . . a tank in her house.
a.      Have                                  b. has                                       c. had

11.  She has many luxurious cars in her baggage.
( ? ) ……………………………………………………………

a.      She does not has many luxurious cars in her baggage ( bagasi ).
b.      Does she has many luxurious cars in her baggage ?
c.       She does has many luxurious cars in her baggage.

12.  Mrs. Mila has a giant mouse ( tikus raksasa ) in her room.
( - ) ……………………………………………………………..

a.        Mrs. Mila does has a giant mouse in her room
b.        Mrs. Mila doesn’t has a giant mouse in her room
c.         Does Mrs. Mila has a giant mouse in her room ?

13.  Do we have  a black sheep ?
( + ) …………………………………………………………….

a.      We have a black sheep
b.      We don’t have a black sheep
c.       We do have a black sheep
14.  My aunt ( bibiku ) has three children.
( - ) ……………………………………………………………..

a.      Does my aunt has three children ?
b.      My aunt doesn’t has three children
c.       My aunt does has three children

15.  They don’t have a big restaurant in the downtown.
( + ) …………………………………………………………….

a.      They have a big restaurant in the downtown
b.      Do they a big restaurant in the downtown
c.       They do have a big restaurant in the downtown

16.  She has many good friends
( ? ) ……………………………………………………………...

a.      Does she have many good friends ?
b.      She doesn’t have many good friends
c.       She does have many good friends

17.  ( Have - a - they - car- beautiful )
a.      They have a car beautiful
b.      They a have beautiful car
c.       They have a beautiful car

18.   ( ? – horses – have – do – they )
a.      They do have horses ?
b.      Do they have horses ?
c.       Have they do horses ?

19.  ( Does – has – he – not – a – train )
a.      He does not has a train
b.      He does has not a train
c.       He not does has a train

20.  ( She – does – Dragonflies – many – has )
a.      Does she many has Dragonflies ?
b.      Does she has many dragonflies ?
c.       Does has she many dragonflies ?

21.  Mila                 : hello, My name is mila.
Tari                  : owh… hello mila.
                          I am tari.
                          ………………………………….. mila.
Mila                 : nice to meet you tari.

a.      Just so so
b.      Nice to meet you
c.       Good bye

22.  Nadira                         : Good morning, alex ?
Alex                 : Good morning, do you know ? I have new friend
                          He is sutopo, nadira .
Sutopo             : hello….
Nadira                         : nice to meet you, sutopo
Sutopo                : nice to meet you too, nadira.
Nadira                : how do you do ?
Sutopo                : ………………………………………………, Nadira ?

a.      How do you do
b.      Where are you ?
c.       Here you are

23.                                             She . . .   study Mathematic
a.      Will
b.      Won’t
c.       Can

24.                                           Will  He listen music ?
a.      Yes. He will
b.      No. He won’t
c.       He can


I  . . . shoot the bird on the branch.
a.      Won’t
b.      Will
c.       May

26.                                                  You                  : you may not ride motorcle quickly on the road
Dono                : Why ?
                                                You                  : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .
                                                                         You should ride motorcycle slowly.
a.      It’s good idea
b.      It’s extreme
c.       It’s dangerous

27.    There . . .  5 pens in the box
a.      Is
b.      Are
c.       Was
28.  There . . .  a bird
a.      Are
b.      Is
c.       Were
29.  There . . . 2 flies on the sky
a.      Are
b.      Has
c.       Is
30.  There . . . a dragonfly
a.      Have
b.      Are
c.       Is
31.  There are 10 butterflies
( - ) ……………………………

a.      Are there 10 butterflies  ?
b.      There are not butterflies
c.       There are not butterfly
32.  There is a cup of tea
( ? ) ………………………….

a.      Is there a cup of tea ?
b.      There is not a cup of tea
c.       Are there a cup of tea ?
33.  There are not 4 houses in the grave ( kuburan )
( + ) …………………………..

a.      Are there 4 houses in the village ?
b.      There are 4 houses in the village
c.       There is houses in the village
34.  ( Are – many – trees – there – near – house – my )
a.      There are many trees near my house
b.      There are near many trees my house
c.       There are many my house near trees
35.  Mila                 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a dress, do you have any ?
Kholid              : we don’t have any.
Mila                 : well, is there any cap ?
Kholid              : yes, we have any. There are caps over there.

a.    I’m looking for
b.    I’m waiting for
c.     I’m studying for

Hallo ! my name is joko purwanto
Today is Sunday
I will tell you what I will do tomorrow
Tomorrow is Monday
Tomorrow is day off
I will go to Malang
I will go to Malang with my father and my mother
I will go to vacation to Jatim Park 2
I am very happy
I will play rolling coster there
I will look the crocodile
I will play water in the water boom
I will play go car
And I will go home on Tuesday
36.  What day is today ?
a.      Today is Tuesday                     b.    Today is Sunday               c. Today is Moday
37.  Will joko go to school tomorrow ?
a.      Yes. He will
b.      No. He won’t
c.       Yes. He won’t
38.  Will joko play football tomorrow ?
a.      Yes. He won’t
b.      Yes. He will
c.       No. He won’t
39.  Where will joko go to Vacation ?
a.      Malang
b.      Jatim Part
c.       Water boom
40.  With whom he will go to Malang ?
a.      His Mother
b.      His Father
c.       His Father and His Mother
41.  What will he plays in Jatim Part ?
a.      Rolling coster
b.      Water boom, Go cart
c.       Rolling coster, Eater boom and go cart
42.  What will joko do on Tuesday ?
a.      Playing go cart
b.      Go home
c.       Go to Malang
b.   Please answer the question by the best answer!

1.      She has many good boys.

( ? ) ………………………………………………………………………

2.      Mr. jonathan has a ship in the harbor

( - ) ……………………………………………………………………….

3.      I have a beautiful mother.

( ? ) ……………………………………………………………………

4.      Do we have a school ?

( - ) ……………………………………………………………………

5.      Siska doesn’t has 9 planes at the airport.

( + ) ………………………………………………………………….

6.      Do – have – we – not – a – car
7.      My – does – brother – not – have – a – bike
= ………………………………………………………………………..

8.      ? – they – do – have – horses
= ………………………………………………………………………..

9.      Has – she – sister – a
= ………………………………………………………………………..
10.  Akmalia           : hello, my name is akmalia.
  Nice to meet you.
            Mila                 : hello, I’m mila.
                                      ………………………………….. too.
            Akmalia           : where do you live ?
            Mila                 : I live at jl. Bung kholid 29, Yogyakarta.
            Akmalia           : Okay, mila. I have to go to market now.
                                      ………………………. Later.
            Mila                 : bye.

11.  There ( . . . ) seventeen cars in the parking area.
12.  There ( . . . ) a cart in the library
13.  There ( . . . ) nine books.
14.  There is ( . . . ) a frog in mila’s house. ( ubah bentuk negative )

c.    Read the passage carefully !

            My city has a new mall. It is in the downtown area. The mall has 250 tenants. The tenants provide fashion, food and entertainment. Many people in the city like to go to weekend in the mall. Because, the mall provide cinema, game centre and a bowling area.
            We could buy clothes, jewelry and accessories in the department store inside the mall. We can have a haircut in some barbershops or hairdressers in the mall. The mall also has a food court. If we are hungry, we can have lunch or dinner there.
            Beside bowling arena, there are also billiard arena and futsal fields.

1.      How many tenants is in the mall ?
Answer : ……………………………………
2.      Where is the area of the mall ?
Answer : …………………………………...
3.      What thing that can we buy in inside of the mall ?
Answer : ……………………………………
4.      Is there a food court ?
Answer : ………………………………….
5.      Is there football field in the mall ?
Answer : ………………………………….
6.      What will we do if we are hungry in the mall ?
Answer : ……………………………………
7.      Can we cut the hair in the mall ?
Answer : …………………………………..
8.      Where can I cut my hair in the mall ?
Answer : ………………………………….
9.      What are provide of tenants ?
Answer : ………………………………..
10.  Why people like to go to weekend in the mall ?
Answer : …………………………........



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